Inez Barberio - Emotional Intelligence and Diversity Inclusion

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How Emotional Intelligence Helped Me Order a Pizza!

In life it is important to look at how much we have accomplished.  For a majority of us, our brains are programmed to focus on the negatives and our lack.  One of the most important lessons I have learned through the study and practice of Emotional Intelligence is the ability to retrain my mind to one of abundancy as opposed to scarcity.

As I look back at the accomplishments I have made in my life, one particular attainment comes to mind, the fact that I am an inspirational speaker!  Yes me, the once shy girl who had a debilitating fear of having any attention upon herself.  So bad, that I could not even order a pizza on the phone for delivery!  When my husband and I first met over two decades ago, he nicknamed my “Shy Girl.”  Honestly, he was not the first as all through my childhood I was labeled shy.  I grew up believing this and used this as a crutch for not taking chances in life or taking action to accomplish any of my dreams.

Funny to think that when I attended New York University for my undergraduate degree I was studying Mass Communication and Broadcast Journalism.  Clearly, I had a voice in me that was struggling to get out, but even with my degree in hand, I still let fear hold me back.

Was I an anchor on NYU television? Yes!  Did I take a course (though by accident) on how to be a stand-up comedian as a summer elective? Yes!  Did I intern at MTV and ABC News in New York? Yes! Even having all these achievements under my belt, which required me to speak publicly, why would I be afraid to order a pizza?

Well the truth of the matter is, I was an academic.  I prided myself on being a star student and getting good grades.  I was able to accomplish these challenges (at least that is how I felt at the time) because it was part of my curriculum at school.  My need to get good grades overcame the fear of attention.  Yet, when going back to everyday life aside from school, the fear showed itself tenfold.

While many people considered me sociable and pleasant to be with, I allowed myself to be in careers that kept me miserable.  Good paycheck, lousy job.  I know many people get caught up in this vicious cycle.  Now, I don’t know why I always had this inner passion to be in the public eye and inspire others, but it was something that continued to nag in my heart and soul. 

As the Universe would have it, Emotional Intelligence came my way.  I first learned about it through my mentor and friend Jen Groover, and have been engulfed by it ever since.  I became certified in the subject and studied and read everything I could find on it for years to come. 

Honestly, Emotional Intelligence saved my life.  It saved me from allowing self-limiting beliefs hold me back from who I truly am!  It allowed me to face my fears and recognize that my past mistakes do not define who I am.  It gave me the freedom to release toxic people and energy from my life.  It strengthened my relationship with God.  It taught me how to be the best version of myself and evolve into a stronger woman each and everyday.

Through consistency of understanding my subconscious belief systems, I gained the strength to be who I am today.  I have spoken to dozens of organizations, businesses, and non-profits and love every moment of connecting with the world.

I love inspiring others to get over their self-limiting beliefs and helping people realize the strength we each have within ourselves!  I have made friends all over the world and am grateful for people wanting to hear my words and learn from my experiences.

Was I an overnight fix?  Absolutely not.  I am constantly working each day to be better than I was yesterday.  I love who I am!

If you get hungry and want a pizza, I’ll be happy to order one for you!

Much love,

Inez xo